~ via daily routines
A few years ago I attended an Every Child Ready to Read Workshop® at my favorite library here in New Orleans. Not only was it super informative, it was also chock full of useful, applicable resources. The two biggest takeaways for me were: (1) Play with your Nanny Children Often and (2) Recognize the Power of Their Synapses. Now while the first one may seem like a no brainer (no pun intended), sometimes balancing my first priority, my Nanny Children, with other day to day household tasks (such as laundry and sanitizing toys) can be a challenge all in itself. Until…
I realized I could do both and develop my Nanny Child’s inner Genius at the same time. So I decided to create a fun adventure with my Nanny Child by turning doing laundry or emptying the dishwasher into a fascinating learning experience! It’s no effort at all to verbally identify a plate or a bowl or socks or a bib as I put them away or fold them. They’re going to see these same images in many of the books they have at home so why not reinforce what their learning with real life examples!
I believe every child has the ability/capacity to be as smart as they are awarded the opportunities to do so. It’s up to us, the Nannies, to recognize all the golden occasions that will support optimal cerebral development and run with it! From adorable newborns to impressive toddlers, these are great ages for exceptional development of the brain. As Nannies, we are also positioning these beautiful souls for long-term intellectual aptitude and success in the world. Besides, having that extra feather in your Nanny cap when a parent, friend, or someone else observes or overhears your Nanny Child and exclaims, “They are so smart!” is pretty cool ?